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We will hold a virtual open campus on Zoom for prospective applicants to our Short-term Internship Program and/or the graduate-level International Course in Primatology and Wildlife Research (MSc/DSc program). Check out the website for more detail...
Prof. Jörg Ganzhorn (University of Hamburg) will be the guest speaker of the 27th International Primatology Lecture, titled " 40 years of lemur research in Madagascar: early exposure, luck, and mentors ". Livestream on CICASP YouTube Channel...
Join our celebration of Dr. ike Huffman's illustrious 44-year career as a primatologist at Kyoto University. After some chatter from Mike's academic lineage, and a cast of colleagues and collaborators the world over, hear from Mike himself as he launches into the next phase of...
Dr. Milena Salgado Lynn will give the last International Primatology Lecutre of this academic year, titled " The life and work of an Ozomahtli in Sabah ". About the speaker: Milena Salgado Lynn is a Mexican biologist with a Master in...
Dr. Jo Setchell will give the next International Primatology Lecutre, titled " Studying primates: What I’ve learned so far ". In this lecture, Dr. Setchell will reflect on what she has learned on her journey in primatology, from being given a soft toy...
Our next International Primatology Lecture will be given by Dr. Dorothy Fragaszy , Professor Emerita of Psychology at the University of Georgia and Director of the Primate Behavior Laboratory there. Her lecture is titled " From Lab to Field and Back Again ". In the...