Application for 2025 Enrolment (Spring/Fall)

Important Notes

  1. Applications will be accepted as early as 4 weeks before the application deadline, but no earlier.

  2. Please contact our office by email if you do not receive a follow-up email from the CICASP Office within 3 business days of submitting your pre-application.

  3. Entrance examinations are conducted online; applicants are not required to travel to Japan to take the exams.

 Download Documents

Application Guidelines
2025 enrollment

PDF | Updated: 2024/08/01

Appendix 1: Payment Method
PDF | Updated: 2023/08/31

Appendix 2: List of Faculty Members
PDF | Updated: 2025/02/19

Important Dates

Submission deadlines (in Japan time) for 2025 enrolment:

  1. October 1, 2024 for an exam during November 5–8, 2024* and enrollment in April or October, 2025 --> Application has closed.
  2. April 30, 2025 for an exam during June 2–6, 2025* and enrollment in October, 2025

*Two additional days are reserved for entrance examinations under exceptional circumstances, if applicants or evaluation committee members are unavailable during the official exam week (for examination period 1, November 11 and 12, 2024; for examination period 2, June 9 and 10, 2025)


Apply Online

Before you apply, please read and understand the current Application Guidelines (a PDF file is posted on this page) fully in order to avoid any delays or difficulties in processing the application.

Applicants are expected to have discussed their intention to apply with their prospective supervisor before submitting a pre-application (see the list of eligible faculty members at the bottom of this page and Appendix 2 for additional faculty members of the Department of Primatology and Wildlife Research*). To initiate contact with appropriate faculty members, you may use the online system of the Admissions Assistance Office**.

To apply for admission into our graduate course, please first submit a pre-application using the online form below.
The pre-application is reviewed by the CICASP Administration, and once approved by your prospective supervisor, you will receive an email from the CICASP Office with instructions to complete the full application form online using a personal account. If you are returning to continue filling in the application, you can access your application via the link provided in your approval email or via this link »

*Appendix 2 includes faculty members who are not eligible to serve as a primary supervisor of graduate students. However, they may still be willing to support your studies in cooperation with an eligible faculty member.

**The AAO Application is used to identify potential matches between prospective applicants and faculty members; it is not a substitute for application to our graduate course.

The online application system will be available between September 1 and October 1, and again between April 1 and April 30. Please check again during those periods to apply.