In this installment of The PrimateCast, we asked students of Kyoto University's Primate Research Institute to select their favorite moments from the first year and a half plus of the podcast. We then interviewed each student, asking them to tell us about their research interests, how they got into the field of primate research and why they made their respective podcast selections. Student choices could be broadly broken down into conservation- and research-related interview segments, so we are presenting these episodes in a two-part series focusing on these concepts.
In Part II, we focus on research in primatological science. In addition to learning a little bit about our students, you'll hear clips from past interviews with Frans de Waal, Bill McGrew, Josep Call,Dora Biro and Tetsuro Matsuzawa, discussing issues such as the comparative approach in science, defining scientific terms and then developing and testing hypotheses, building a successful research program with clear goals and objectives and even how to get started in science and putting yourself out there as a young researcher.
*Please allow time for the audio to buffer if you have a slower internet connection
Chris and Andrew start off the show with Dr. Frans de Waal Lira Yu selects Dr. Josep Call Yena Kim and Sojung Han select Dr. Bill McGrew Renata Mendonca selects Dr. Dora Biro Heungjin Ryu selects Dr. Dora Biro Chris and Andrew wrap up the podcast with Dr. Tetsuro Matsuzawa.
You can hear the full interviews with our selected guests by visiting our podcast page.
Join us and our students as we share with you our favorite moments from The PrimateCast, and make sure to visit us at Facebook and Twitter and leave comments and feedback on this or any other podcast in the series. You can also subscribe to the podcast on iTunes.
This podcast series is brought to you by CICASP, and is produced by Andrew MacIntosh and Chris Martin, with technical support from Heungjin Ryu.