In this installment of The PrimateCast we introduce a new series that CICASP launched in June 2021, the International Primatology Lecture Series: Past, Present and Future Perspectives of the Field.
The IPLS is dedicated to providing origin stories about experienced researchers of primatology and related fields, through lectures delivered by those very individuals. The lectures are conducted via Zoom within our CICASP Seminar in Science Communication for graduate students of our program, but we decided to release the audio right here on The PrimateCast.
Unlike most academic lectures, which are usually focused on testing scientific hypotheses, this series is designed to offer a feel for how one becomes a professional in the field of primatology. In a way, we might think of it as a career primer for young primatologists just starting their own journeys into the nether regions of Academia. At the same time, anyone might enjoy the stories told of big dreams, exotic locations and species, and the humanity inherent in forging a new path in life and in work.
For anyone interested in viewing the video versions of these lectures, head over to CICASP's YouTube channel, where you can also watch them live as we stream our Zoom feeds there.
The first podcast in this lecture series brings you Dr. Michael Huffman, in a talk entitled "Learning to become a monkey and other lessons for becoming a primatologist". You can find more information about the talk and about Mike on our dedicated page for this event.
Join us on this podcast, and browse among loads of other audio content to hear from primatologists and conservationists from around the world.
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The PrimateCast original score: Andre Goncalves
Closing Credits: Katherine Majewski