In this installment of The PrimateCast, Andrew and special guest host Dr. David Hill of CICASP sit down with Dr. Tomoaki Nishihara, Senior Technical Adviser of Operations and Protection with the Wildlife Conservation Society in Congo-Brazzaville. This interview was conducted in April 2012.
We chatted with Dr. Nishihara about his work in the conservation of wildlife in Central Africa, from his efforts to curb the continued demand for forest elephant ivory in Japan, through his experiences during the civil war in the Republic of Congo between 1997 and 1999, to his role in the establishment of a conservation presence in various Central African nations. In 2012, Dr. Nishihara published a Japanese translation of the book "Hidden Giants: The Forest Elephants of the Congo Basin" (originally by Stephen Blake and published by the Wildlife Conservation Society in 2006) to alert the Japanese population of the plight of these endangered animals. Find out more about Dr. Nishihara's work at the homepage of WCS Congo.
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