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New conservation outreach event at the Japan Monkey Centre
This forthcoming session will engage experts with the public by discussing about the threats of having certain species as pets. Public’s knowledge and attitude toward the illegal pet trade, animals’...
Calling all interns! The Primate Research Institute calls for applications for internship students with an interest in any area of primatological science. For more information and to find out how to apply, please visit the PRI short-term internship website .
And the winner is... During summer of 2017, PRI ran an open competition for a new logo design. From among a strong pool of submissions, a winner has finally emerged and will begin spicing up relevant websites and business cards in early 2018. Congratulations go to former PRI...
In it for the long haul... The start of a new academic year here in Japan has brought with it a few changes around Kyoto University's Primate Research Institute and CICASP. Long-time CICASP Assistant Professor (2010-2017) Ikuma Adachi has been promoted to Associate Professor in...
Giraffes are in trouble. Their plight in Africa, as well as new insights in to their behavior and ecology, are the subject of the latest issue of African Journal of Ecology. Giraffe conservation - A tall order Giraffe numbers have plummeted by over 50% in the last few decades...
The PrimateCast gains a new member for summer 2014 CICASP graduate student, Ms. Sofi Bernstein, belongs to the section of cognition and learning and will be endeavoring to construct a complete vocal repertoire of the Tibetan macaque inhabiting China. Before she hops off...